Cost-Efficient Water Treatment For Many Industries
The industries we serve
MacDermid Envio solves water-related challenges for nearly any production process that involves water in the surface finishing and electronics industries. Our industrial wastewater treatment solutions, integrating both equipment and chemicals, give our clients reliable, scalable options for cost-efficient water treatment or reuse.

Industries in the Spotlight

Wastewater treatment for surface finishing and plating operations must remove a variety of heavy metals, oils, and suspended solids before discharge to be compliant and environmentally conscious.

Manufacturing automobiles, construction machinery, and agricultural equipment often generates a variety of messy byproducts. Even the manufacturing of the components such as axles, radial tires, and engines which comprise these machines produce waste.

In the production of commercial or military aircraft, jet engines or specialized parts used in defense manufacturing, exacting tolerances and strict specifications are commonplace.
Explore More Industries
MacDermid Envio’s chemical processing industry solutions help protect against biofouling, maximize water reuse, and promote environmental stewardship.
MacDermid Envio’s paints and coatings industry solutions adjust to changing water characteristics to remove pigments, chemicals, and solids and promote environmental stewardship.
By-products from the adhesive and sealant manufacturing processes can be harsh and difficult to remove, but MacDermid Envio has a variety of solutions that comprise effective wastewater treatment systems in these industries.
Industrial wastewater from electronics industries can contain a high number of complex contaminants such as organics, minerals, heavy metals (copper, lead, nickel, gold) as well as creating high COD on water streams.
MacDermid Envio’s pulp and paper industry solutions help maximize production, water quality, and water reuse while minimizing energy costs.