
Industrial Wastewater Treatment Solutions

MacDermid Envio Solutions provides Equipment, Chemistry and Services to ensure environmental compliance becomes a compelling business asset.


Solutions in the Spotlight

Most industrial manufacturing processes create wastewater that must be at least partially cleaned prior to discharge.

It’s becoming increasingly cost effective to recycle both water and selected waste materials, particularly chemical wastes that contain valuable metals. It’s estimated that 20% of global water usage is consumed by Industrial manufacturing.

EnvioCARE is our customizable Service Program that allows you to select from a range of wastewater and environmental systems support options, ensuring continued environmental compliance.

EnvioVIEW Digital Solutions – Enhancing Peace of Mind through Technology

Our Aprochim range of products includes solid/liquid separation technology and pressure filter systems for electroplating, phosphating, and metalworking.

Explore More Solutions

The Surface Finishing industry has always presented a unique set of challenges for wastewater treatment.

Your wastewater system will never be a profit center for your business, but it doesn’t have to cost you as much as it currently does.

MacDermid Envio’s expertise in surface finishing and other industrial chemical processes ensures the right wastewater solution is found for your specific needs.

Proper wastewater treatment requires thousands of decisions every day. With advanced instrumentation, controls and automation for wastewater systems, complicated procedures can be managed in a single control panel, allowing for a smaller, smarter workforce within your facility.

MacDermid Envio’s closed loop system solutions help you maintain the quality of your system water and your makeup water.

Understanding and solving water treatment issues requires science. Our comprehensive in-house wastewater lab testing uses a broad range of analytical methods to meet strict government, industry and regulatory guidelines to identify and address your safety and compliance goals.

Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is a highly economical processing method designed to eliminate the discharge of all effluent produced from industrial manufacturing.

Maintaining the operational readiness of systems with many parts is not without challenges. Quick, reliable access to commonly-used wastewater treatment system spares and treatment chemicals is smart business.

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